Tuesday 8 April 2008

David Jason

David Jason was born David John White in 1940, when he moved into television he found out somebody already used the name David White so he chose David Jason as his stage name in memory of his twin brother who died during infancy. David wasn't always an actor, he originally worked as an electrition before he became in actor, he started out acting in theatre but later moved onto to television.

David Jason has starred in many different shows and even some films, his most popular show which probably made him become as famous as he is now was 'Only Fools and Horses' written by John Sullivan. In which he played the character of Del Boy.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Do you think radio is still important in the continued development of sitcom?

I think that radio is still important in the continued development of sitcoms today, however I believe that radio is not as important as it once was, this is because now I believe the majority of people use computers and watch television. I believe people use the radio to listen to music or the news. But not as many listen to comedy shows on the radio or other types of programmes.

Radio started off sitcoms and although there may still be some radio stations that play sitcoms they won't be anywhPere near as popular as television shows as you cannot visualise them. So overall I think that radio played an important part in sitcoms and still does, but no where near as much as it once did, because we have moved on in technology and there are more interesting and fun ways to have a laugh other than using the radio.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Warning Notice

Jake - this is your warning.  I am pleased that you have done some research into Dad's Army.  We both now you could've done much more though.  I also set a homework task on Wednesday and this has not been done.  I expect to see your response by Monday otherwise you will be completing it with me after school next week.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Dad's Army - Other Links

Some useful links for more information about Dad's Army episodes and characters:

Episode List

Episode Guide

Location Details


Some other useful websites with lots of information about Dad's Army including fan sites:

Dad's Army - Wikipedia

Dad's Army - DAAS

Dad's Army - Fansite

Sunday 30 March 2008

Dad's Army - Cast and Production List

Cast List

Arthur Lowe as Capt George Mainwaring
John Le Mesurier as Sgt Arthur Wilson
Clive Dunn as L/Cpl Jack Jones
John Laurie as Pte Jock Frazer
Ian Lavender as Pte Frank Pike
James Beck as Pte Joe Walker
Arnold Ridley as Pte Charles Godfrey
Bill Pertwee as Warden William Hodges
Frank Williams as Reverend Timothy Farthing
Edward Sinclair as Maurice Yeatman, Verger
Janet Davies as Mrs Pike

Production Details

Written by:
Jimmy Perry, David Croft

Directed by:
David Croft, Harold Snoad, Bob Spiers

Produced by:
David Croft

9 series, 80 episodes

Transmitted: 1968-77

Friday 14 March 2008

Dad's Army

The Walmington-On-Sea Home Guard, led by Captain Mainwaring, are totally ill-prepared for an attack from the Nazis and none are fit to fight.


In wednesdays lesson I selected 3 things these were: The characters, setting and premise. It was about a drunken captain on a cruise ship.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Del Boy bar fall

History of Sitcoms

To find out about the history of sitcoms, go to this site.


This is my blog for media:sitcoms, I am a genious and Larkie is a fool.